MUST READ Marmaris Advise…! It is best to know all these tips, tricks, and advice before & while visiting Turkey. As every culture is different, Türkiye has its way of experiencing things…
Below you will also find very IMPORTANT EMERGENCY NUMBERS for Marmaris and Turkiye. Please Note those numbers somewhere or Print it, just in case you might need it.
CALL # | FOR … |
112 | ANY EMERGENCY (Call First – They speak in 4 different languages) |
122 | ALO AFAD ( Search and Rescue) |
155 | POLICE |
156 | JANDARMA (For Rural Areas) |
CALL # 112 first for ANY EMERGENCY… They speak in 4 different languages…

There have been some posts where women traveling in coastal regions have been hassled. Try to avoid beachwear while visiting places other than the beach. In cities remember that Turkey is a Muslim culture it is wise to dress like you’re in a big city. For visiting religious sites like a mosque, women should wear a long-sleeved top, long skirt or pants and cover their heads with a scarf or hat. This type of respect for the religion and culture in Turkey is ALWAYS greatly appreciated. Going about alone in Turkey is fine (in East Turkey, it is wise to travel with a group), people have walked about alone all over Turkey day or night and have never had a problem but common sense should prevail in any foreign place…

Be careful of anyone who offers to take you to a great place with drinks, ladies, disco, etc. If you find yourself there and feel uncomfortable, LEAVE, don’t be embarrassed, if you find you have been victimized report it to the Tourist Police and local police, again don’t be embarrassed. If you feel uncomfortable in any situation, not just the one mentioned above, just leave…Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption is also a good idea. You’re on holiday but use your good sense. Avoid places where there is no menu or where prices are not clearly posted. If in doubt about meal or drink price, simply ask! And also bear in mind that the legislation in touristic areas forbids salespersons to “touch” or “hassle” tourists. If you are asked to buy stuff and you will be asked for sure, just say “No, thank you.” and keep moving. Just be polite and you won’t have a problem.”Hasslers” are also not supposed to hassle you in the street. They should remain on their own premises – can be worth pointing this out!…

When you leave your hotel during your stay always tell the staff where you are going. Take along the number of the British Consular office for your country just in case you encounter a problem and need some help. Keep your money in a safe place, not in your suitcase or backpack. Use the convenient ATMs and be careful when using them just like you would do in your home country. You need a 4 digit PIN to use ATMs in Turkey. The Turkish people are friendly and helpful, they will help you get where you are going. Don’t confine yourself to tourist sites, you’ll be surprised at what’s off the beaten path, some of the best experiences in Turkey have come from just walking around the various districts and talking to people. Go to the local stores, you’d be surprised what you find. Migros, a big shopping center, they are in lots of Turkish cities…In the summer, it is wise to bring along a hat and drink plenty of bottled water, which is sold everywhere. Perhaps the most important: open yourself to the friendliness and culture of Turkey, talk to people, learn a few phrases, hello, please, thank you. Also, take the time to talk to people. Their outlook on life is fascinating and you’ll learn so much more about the country, its culture, and customs. In most of the tourist areas the waiters, barmen, etc are a long way from their homes as well as they’ve traveled to work for the season. They appreciate some time out and enjoy a chat. They love to improve their English and take every opportunity to do so…
By Sinan S. Unsal